As noted in the discussion of our approach and our principles, Kiron believes in balancing the emotional with the rational. Borrowing from Mythology, we represent these two essential roles for innovation as The Hero and The Warrior. The Warrior embodies the rational considerations, such as control, hierarchy and risk aversion. The Hero, on the other hand, represents as sense of adventure, risk-taking and intuition.
Kiron addresses our clients 'emotional foundations through examination of the "Hero's Journey", moving from the known world through change to the unknown, and back, as represented in the graphic below.

By contrast, we also take clients through the "Warrior's Journey", which is often compared to "Scientific Management":
- Issue Identification
- Idea Generation
- Invention
- Introduction
- Implementation
Both Journeys are important. We find, however, that the Hero's Journey often has greater relevance and leverage in the early phases of innovation. As implementation proceeds the elements of the Warrior's Journey take on a greater role.